About Us
Photo: Jailton Suzart
The Appropriate Sanitation Institute seeks to preserve and make widely accessible the vast accumulated knowledge on Condominial Sewerage to residents and decision makers around the globe.
Our goal is to provide technical and legislative support to cities through the process of training, installing and maintaining an urban sewage collection system which can serve all the residents of an urban area, including poor and unplanned neighborhoods.
This website is a virtual home where available resources can be collected in one space and made accessible in a range of languages. Our goal is to collect a wide range of information, including manuals, evaluations, scientific and academic work and model legislation which has worked to allow cities to use modified engineering to meet their local building codes.
We also advocate for Condominial Sewerage to be taught in universities, both in Brazil and abroad.
To send us materials, please sign in.
This is also a place where Condominial practitioners and those interested in using the technology can communicate, in the forum.
We publicize relevant workshops and classes hosted by other institutions on our events page.
If you are interested in hosting a workshop, film screening or presentation at your institution, or if you would like to do an internship in Condominial Sewerage, please contact us.